Dienstag, 5. Mai 2009


Hallo Hallo :)
Here we are...funny participants of funny project...Does everybody know about the most successful project of Kultur Aktiv SPIELRAUM MENSCH/HEIMAT workshop? If not check the website integradd.de.
SPIELRAUM MENSCH/HEIMAT is Marcus' and Lena's great long-term project in which we take part with pleasure. The atmosphere and the idea of the project is so so cool, that it doesn't even seems like a work. We just relax and enjoy the working process. Thanks Marcus for giving us such opportunity.
Here is some photos...And wait for the photos from great event which will be on Sunday. By the way if you are interested you can come and watch how Auguste the Strong, Madonna, Russian General. the Death and the others will walk, sing and dance along the streets of beautiful Dresden.

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